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Reminder: Synthesia 10.3 no longer supports Windows XP, Mac OS 10.6, DirectX, or OpenGL 1.x.
- New Features
- Added 5 songs from a pair of popular video games (the authors of which were awesome enough to give their permission). All 5 are always playable, even in demo mode.
- The first 20 seconds of any song is now playable in demo mode (instead of just showing a "please unlock" prompt). Time limit is indicated on timeline with an orange warning stripe.
- 13 more songs have been enabled in demo mode.
- iOS and Android versions of Synthesia now have a quiet, unobtrusive pair of links at the lower-right of the title screen describing how to get support and how to rate the app.
- Added "Title.ShowNews" advanced setting to hide project news from the title screen.
- Synthesia now detects the "UpperFilters" registry problem on Windows and reports it on the Settings screen.
- Added Jamboxx support to Synthesia for Android.
Fixes - Synthesia for Android now works on Android N instead of always crashing outright.
- Fixed Android texture glitching that was showing up on some devices.
- Fixed the "I can't type" bug on Android.
- Android got a nicer app icon.
The mountain of fixes and improvements had grown too large, so it was time to call it a proper release. Now 11 really is going to just be sheet music. I've already gone back and retconned the other preview posts to say they were 10.3 all along.

Speaking of 11, that work has been continuing in parallel with all of these fixes. Some of the new drawing tech is already turning out pretty cool. And my foray into Behind Bars continues to illuminate a million subtleties I wasn't even aware of, most of which are low-hanging fruit and should be easy to bring along without too much extra effort. Instead of having to wing 90% of the layout decisions (even MusicXML still leaves a lot of the details up to the engraving engine), the book provides guidance on some of the most minute points.
I'm getting more excited to see the end result all the time. This is going to be a quantum leap in quality.