Automatic Fingering Prediction 0.1ish

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Posts: 4

Post by nachomagic »

Hi everybody

I've just bought sinthesya and I'm a little bit dissapointed since I bought the software because the finger number and it's dosen't showed in the imported midi files.

I was totally exited when I read this subject but have passed almost 1 year since the last updated.

Is this feature development dead?

Thanks in advanced
Posts: 13171

Post by Nicholas »

It's definitely still a "future research project" at this point. If I had a magic lamp that granted wishes for Synthesia features, automatic finger hints would be in my top three. It's just a challenging problem that will require putting everything else aside for a while, so it's hard to justify a place on the schedule (especially when Microsoft, Apple, and Google seem to be trying extra hard lately to keep app developers busy with bugs and forced updates)!
Posts: 4

Post by nachomagic »

Thanks for the answer mate
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