Option to shut off the forced use of MIDI channel 1

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Posts: 3

Post by MikeInProcess »

I am playing a song right now, attempting to play the piano part.

But the sound I hear being triggered by my keyboard when the song is running is a bass.

I can change the output channel of my MIDI keyboard to every channel available. It ALWAYS gets forced back to channel 1, and I hear a bass. Piano is on channel 2.

Please give me a software option to shut off this forced channel remap so I can hear the sound I'm supposed to be hearing. I should not have to edit a MIDI file and remap parts on every song that doesn't have the piano as the first part or mapped on channel 1. You display the MIDI channel for me, which is great. So let me use it.


I asked for this feature a year ago. Just to be clear ...

I'm mainly just wanting to load a song, see how it is played (without being timed or evaluated) and play along with it to get a feel for the way it is played. When I play along, I go into the settings and shut off display of all the notes that aren't the one piano part I want to see. Then I play along. I just want to hear the notes for that part.
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