Triole and tripletts in notation

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Post by Bassdavid »

Hi all

I am new to the forum, just bought Synthesia to help our daughter (piano) and our son (cello). I set up all the technology to use piano and cello as direct input - so far, so good. Our daughter is now playing a tricky piece - trioles only.

So eights notes in trioles - however triole of three eight - in synthesia displayed as sixteenth - eight - sixteenth. So super strange to read in the notation. However, I explicitly would like to have it correct in the notation. Is that possible?

I kind of believe - no. So I used a notation program to get from the 3/4 - 3 triols to 9/8 - nine regular eight. This works - kind of - because Synthesia automatically wraps eights in dupletts - but I would like to display in the notation as tripletts. Is there any way to do that?

I have attached the example for both cases.

It would be great to find a solution for that - otherwise for my use synthesia would have some severe restrictions.

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Post by jimhenry »

There are others here who can give you a better answer. I will do my best and hope that you get a better answer later. I believe that you are running into a shortcoming in Synthesia's current capabilities to create sheet music notation from a MIDI file. You can look at the falling bar display to see if the rhythm is understood correctly by Synthesia.

The next release of Synthesia, version 11, will have massive upgrades in the area of sheet music notation. The biggest improvements will be seen by using MusicXML files rather than MIDI files. MusicXML files can contain information about the sheet music notation that is not available in a MIDI file. If you can create a MusicXML file, I believe Synthesia can already play it. I don't know if it can make use of the additional notational content yet.
Jim Henry
Author of the Miditzer, a free virtual theatre pipe organ
Posts: 2

Post by Bassdavid »

Thank you for your answer. I think it is currently not possible - for this specific case I may go to an alternative. In general I like synthesia and we will use it for non-triole pieces :D
There seems to be an alternative for sheet music display, but only for PC. I will see for the mentioned use case.

You indicate version 11 - I searched the website but did not find any indication - do you have some more insight into a target for version 11?

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Post by jimhenry »

The "Development Updates" section of this Forum has many posts about the forthcoming version 11. This post gives the progress toward the version 11 release: viewtopic.php?t=9972
Jim Henry
Author of the Miditzer, a free virtual theatre pipe organ
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