Piano fingerings for Synthesia (a workaround)

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Synthesia Donor
Posts: 1180

Post by kiwi »

E media teaching piano show also the fingering but it can't load other midi files...
U can also find the correct fingering just remember to minimize space beetween the fingerings.But it 'll surely more comfortable with this feature so just wait i am pretty sure Nicholas 'll do his best.
Posts: 13170

Post by Nicholas »

vicentefer31 wrote:I don't find in the upcoming Features the option "Fingerings for Synthesia".
I'm guessing you're talking about the new features listed on the Learning Pack page? You're right that it's not listed there, although, I have a few reasons why.

First, the stuff there is only about 2/3 of what I actually have planned... but, it starts to look like I'm over-promising when the list gets really long. (I'm sure it's already there, but I also wanted to get people excited about the thing. Still, once the "Current features" list gets a little longer and the "Upcoming" list a little shorter, I'll be a little more confident to list everything else.)

The other reason is that I want to be sure I can do it. Everything on the "Upcoming" list right now will take quite a bit of effort and some are even pretty hard problems to solve, but the fingering thing feels like it's in a class of its own. I don't want to promise it'll be there if I can't ever get it quite right.

Still, I've been doing some research (aided quite a bit by the discussion in this topic) and trying to work out some of the harder parts. Once I get a little closer to a solution, I'll probably put it up there.

Regardless, the new "Feature Voting" thing on the site will quite a bit more complete (I have about 3x as much planned that is non-Learning Pack), and the various fingering features will be listed there. That's less of a list of promises and just more of an ordered task list.

TonE wrote:So the algorithm is simple, but for that simpleness quite powerful.
Alright, I see what you're doing there. (Wow, KeyKit is *really* concise. I took a look at it before -- even had a short discussion with the author -- but didn't end up spending much time with it. So, using just those heuristics, you've found good results? It's almost deceptively simple... although, I do agree that it would probably do a good job in the general case.
Synthesia Donor
Posts: 1180

Post by TonE »

Nicholas wrote:So, using just those heuristics, you've found good results? It's almost deceptively simple...
I'm using it for quite a long time and had not the need to add new rules to these rule set. If you find any midi files where it's result isn't satisfacting you could still add some more detailing rules which captures also these "midi file features". One example: I am comparing always the whole channels to these rules without splitting in time domain, which I could also do (e.g. for each bar, for each 2/4/8 bars), so the results would get even more precise.

If you want you can send me a test package and I will send all files through this algorithm and send you back the output files?
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