10.3 preview r3968, r3974 - Platform Update
Archived development updates.
- Posts: 58
The note drawing limit problem is here again, just like in the previous versions of the Video Creator!
what just happened @@
Crashed By the way to alignment wasnt so good when i launch synthesia.But after i press the resize button (near close application "X") then alignment will be "fixed".
Also when i play some songs it will drop frames from 60 to 30 , even 22 or maybe 14.
sorry for bad english
Crashed By the way to alignment wasnt so good when i launch synthesia.But after i press the resize button (near close application "X") then alignment will be "fixed".
Also when i play some songs it will drop frames from 60 to 30 , even 22 or maybe 14.
sorry for bad english
- Posts: 58
But what if I want to play it in real-time?Nicholas wrote:Correct. Use the Video Creator instead.

You could always play the rendered video.KaleidonKep99 wrote:But what if I want to play it in real-time?

Were you playing anything very intensive? I took a look at the crash report, but it was inconclusive. The thread that crashed had a completely empty stack, so I couldn't see where the problem was.PHIDIAS wrote:what just happened @@ Crashed
Well it is a song:
It can run without problem on 60fps in Synthesia 10
But i cant run it on 60fps in Synthesia 11 @@
Also when i play it in 11, sometimes virtual piano in the bottom and the tool bar in top will disappears.
~No idea where i get this midi...
35,611 notes
It can run without problem on 60fps in Synthesia 10
But i cant run it on 60fps in Synthesia 11 @@
Also when i play it in 11, sometimes virtual piano in the bottom and the tool bar in top will disappears.
~No idea where i get this midi...
35,611 notes
Yeah, this is more the kind of song you'd want to run through the Video Creator. Although, I did fix the bug that was causing the tool bar to flicker/disappear.