Notes pressed labelled on top of virtual Keys

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Post by jimhenry »

Nicholas wrote:labels like Sol#, До#, and Соль# which will be a little trickier to fit on one line, even at tiny font sizes.
Do you provide those types of labels on black keys? How? You'll notice my example Bb is bigger than the Bb label on the key.

We should also bear in mind that normally two adjacent keys should not be pressed at the same time. Perhaps when Key Press labels overlap, only the last key pressed should be shown.
Jim Henry
Author of the Miditzer, a free virtual theatre pipe organ
Posts: 17

Post by ChrisTitof972 »

Hi Nicholas,

I wondered if you had managed to work on implementing this function we discussed on your coming update?
Also when would you release the update please.

Hope all is well,

Kind regards,

Posts: 13170

Post by Nicholas »

Not yet.

I have that on the list for the 10.6 release, which should arrive in this order: 10.5 synth bug fixes, 11.0 preview for full-screen sheet, 10.6 portrait/small-screen support.
Posts: 17

Post by ChrisTitof972 »

Thank you, would you keep me posted pls :)

Kind regards,

Posts: 13170

Post by Nicholas »

This is a bit of a compromise (it's not on a bar above the keys), but there is a new option on the Free Play screen (in the latest 10.9 dev preview) to only show the labels on the keys you're currently pressing. It doesn't get you all the way to your suggestion, but it should hopefully close the gap a bit.
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