Download from the pink box above.
Major New Stuff
- Use the gear icon to toggle falling notes and sheet music. Turn falling notes off to have sheet music take over the whole screen.
- Click on the sheet music to navigate through the song.
- Ctrl-click sheet music to create bookmarks. (Or enter bookmark editing mode and left-click.)
- Right-drag sheet music to create loops. (Or enter loop editing mode and left-drag.)
- The macOS version now draws using Metal by default. Disable "Graphics.Metal" to switch back to OpenGL. (There is still a little bit of Metal cleanup going on. The falling notes still shimmer a little.)
Fixes and the Rest
- Double-clicking will now pause/resume from any mode.
- Bluetooth devices should show up on Windows 10 again (with "Midi.UseWinRTMidi" enabled).
- Updated the bookmark mode icon to look more like a bookmark and less like a map pin.
- News intended for older versions should no longer appear after updating.
- The song position should no longer jitter while rewinding or dragging near the beginning of a song.
- Dragging the app between a Retina and non-Retina monitor should no longer cause oversize graphics.

(I wanted to avoid the "10.6 came out after an 11 preview" confusion, so I just called this one 10.6 for the time being despite it being Synthesia 11-proper features. All of this will be released in 10.6 anyway, so it works.)
Clicking and dragging on the sheet music is like my new favorite thing. It's really effortless to jump right where you want to go now. (I suppose this is less impressive with this being the most basic feature of every sheet music editing app in the history of the universe, but it's new to Synthesia so hopefully people will find it useful!)

To make the deadline, I left a few more rough edges than usual but the big features are there. There are a few interactions that will get smoother: the sheet music isn't great about knowing when rests occur, so clicking on one will usually give you a bookmark, loop, or jump the song to just before/after the rest. And navigating in the sheet area has a tendency to jump around if it's in the middle of the full-screen slide animation. I'll probably follow this preview up with another one with those things (and a dozen or so others) fixed. Then it's off to the "Portrait Mode / Small Screen Support" milestone immediately.