The reason I'd been waiting was because the spam plugin we use stopped being supported and didn't have a new version that worked with 3.2. But, since registration has been disabled for 8+ months now... what's the point in waiting any longer?

That said, it was wild to see almost 8 months later that there were still lots of spam attempts every day! So, you may also notice that the member list just dropped from 44k down to 3k users. There were 10 spam accounts for every real one, so anyone with zero posts had to go. Now we're back to a clean slate, hopefully. When I find a nice way to re-enable user registration, hopefully that won't get out of hand again.
In any event, please report any problems you might bump into. A cursory glance makes it look like everything updated just fine, so maybe this will work without many hiccups.

EDIT: There we go. That's pretty close to how things used to be before.